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At Floral, we believe in the power of flowers to transform spaces, convey emotions, and celebrate life's special moments.

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Floral Shop

Floral Columbus Ave.

Since 1981, Floral’s flagship location has been a beloved fixture on the Upper West Side for locals, gardeners, and plant lovers. Now situated just around the corner at 723 Amsterdam Avenue, our new flagship store continues to serve our loyal community with an expanded offering and an onsite café. We look forward to welcoming you and providing the exceptional service and quality you’ve come to expect.

Opening Times:

Monday – Sunday:  8am – 6pm

Floral Shop

Floral Prince St.

Our location in the heart of Nolita on the corner of Prince Street and Bowery has become a hotspot to grab coffee and browse beautiful plants and flowers—directly across the street from the New Museum. With a modern Scandinavian design, this location offers a highly curated selection of trendy plants and lush florals for our downtown customers.

Opening Times:

Monday – Sunday:  8am – 6pm

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Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.

Our Flowers

Discover the beauty of fresh, handpicked flowers.